Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Have't posted here in a while. I sold the miata and bought an e36 m3 in horrible shape and did all the basics first. Coilovers, two sets of wheels, bushings ect ect. This is the old bitch. A recreation of the Radmachine miata in the making...with more power.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Apex 1/18 MSRC 1.3

Had an amazing day. Torched the front pads, only put 4 of once and got checked off for advanced. The lady came with and brought her camera. Can't wait for the next one.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Heart & Soul:The Radmachine

To most everyone a car is their way to get from here to there, a to b. But to some of us the car can be so much more than that. Over the past couple years I have spent a good bit of time on the Radmachine, turning it into something else, something that no one else can create...mine. Its been through good times and bad. Its been beat, bent, broken, blown up and every time I manage to bring it back to life. In return its taught me lessons that can't be learned sitting at a desk or in a seminar. There's no class you can go take to learn these things. When shit sucks and its the hardest is when after the job is done you'll feel the most accomplished. The thing about this "hobby" is that it can never be done, its a constant revolving door, changing at all times. As we grow and change so does the project, its never ending. And if you dedicate yourself it will never die.